August 2021 archive

4 Common Myths About Client Creation

MYTH #1: “If I’m being visible then I’m showing off.”

The truth is, people are not going to know about your business if you don’t tell them. One of the key ways to tell them is to be visible by sharing your message and business. A business owner sharing their services is doing their job.

MYTH #2: “If I don’t get ‘likes’, ‘follows’ or ‘comments’ then people aren’t listening.”

Just because people aren’t ‘liking’ and ‘commenting’ doesn’t mean they aren’t listening. The truth is, I’ve had clients who’ve seemed to sign up for one of my programs “out of the blue” and when I spoke with them they said they’ve been following me for years and they never commented’ or ‘liked’ anything of mine.

MYTH #3: “The market is saturated and there are too many coaches.”

The truth is, there are 7 Billion people on the planet and there’s plenty of room to carve out a profitable niche in coaching. I don’t hear people say the market is saturated with Doctors, Nurses, or Lawyers.

MYTH #4: “Selling is all about being salesy and trying to convince, manipulate, and coerce people into buying.”

The truth is, selling is providing a solution to a problem, need, or want that your ideal client has. People are free to buy it or not but without the purchase, they can’t get the service or product.

If you identify with any of these myths and are looking to get support and strategy with creating more clients schedule a free Client Creation Queen?? Call with me by Friday, March 12th here ??

Let’s see how we can help you and if not point you in the right direction.



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What to do when things slow down in your business…

There’s an ebb and flow to everything in life, including your business!

Sometimes you might find that you have a lot of energy for output and other times you are more internal.

You can bring in clients with ease at times and other times the same actions don’t work as well or as quickly.

So what do you do when you’re in an “ebb?”

business ebb (noun) – a moment when things slow down: you’re not getting as many subscribers or followers, you have a dip in your income, you have blocks with generating content, maybe you just feel blah, etc.

If this is happening, first off, it’s totally NORMAL!

It’s not being kind to yourself to expect to always perform at 100%. There are times when REST and RELAXATION are the best things you can do for YOU and your business.


✔️ Refine your niche or ideal client
✔️ Up your self-care
✔️ Reach out to potential collaborators
✔️ Nurture yourself and other parts of your life
✔️ Follow up with people or emails that you might’ve missed
✔️ Declutter your inbox or your physical space
✔️ Plant seeds for new ventures
✔️ Go play and have some fun
✔️ Work with a coach
✔️ Be creative and think outside the box
✔️ Get clear on your numbers
✔️ Learn something new

One way to reframe a business ebb is to think of it as the universe awarding you this time to rest and recuperate from all your output!

If you’re feeling insecure and worried that it will never shift, remember another time you were in an ebb, what you learned, and what happened on the other side.

Remember that things have to turn, they always do! Practice FAITH and TRUST in yourself and get SUPPORT.

Sometimes doing something non-business-related gives you renewed energy and new ideas on what next steps to take.

Use this time wisely to plant the seeds that you want to flourish in your next season of flow.

What advice do you have for a business ebb? Let us know in the comments!




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It’s ok to take a break!

You don’t have to post on Facebook.

You don’t have to apologize for not posting on Facebook.

There will ALWAYS be stuff to do. In your business AND outside of your business.

For me, it’s endless picking up toys, although I am getting better at directing my kids to do it. {Drives me bananas?} And let’s not even talk about email.

If I didn’t set timed hours to stop ? working, I’d be working endlessly. That for sure will lead to burnout, which is something a lot of women in my community tell me they are worried about.

If you really love your business like me, it’s easy to justify working long hours on it, but I think life-work balance is extremely important.


Taking care of your house, talking to your friends, spending time with your kids without phones… whatever your particular life calls for.

Here’s an example from my own life and business:

I took a week off recently. I did post to social media, but I wasn’t marketing or selling anything.

? I read a book — a whole book!
? I sat outside in the sun in the hammock.
? I did some decluttering in my garage.
? I did some shopping.

Got my head out of the hole.

By the next Monday, I was back to work, I felt excited! (Compare that to the previous Monday before my break where I had felt exhausted.)

If you can’t take a week off, ask yourself: How can I insert breaks in my day?

We’re not meant to keep going, going, going. I don’t know about you, but I didn’t get into business to work myself to the bone!

And if it feels scary to do this – like somehow you’ll miss out or lose what you’ve been working for, remember this:

Time away can allow things to happen. It’s like when you’re waiting for someone to call and they are not calling and you keep staring at your phone, but then you finally surrender, put down the phone, and go do something else… then that person finally calls! It’s the same with business.

I’d love to hear how this lands – when was the last time you took a break in your business?

Let me know in the comments!

Kadidja ?

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My firstborn Naima turned 7!!! ?

I was just starting my coaching business right before I got pregnant??with her.

My first attempt at putting myself out there as a coach was to start a weekly women’s group.

The first regular circle ⭕️ was in the yoga ??‍♂️ studio of the house where I rented a room in Silverlake, Los Angeles.

After taking some time off after having her, I resumed the group and she would come to visit us at the end, and sometimes she would make an appearance during because she wanted to be next to me.

I started taking online business courses when she was 6 months old and quite often she would be on these zoom sessions with me as I bounced her on the yoga ball or nursed her.

She still loves to make a debut on my Zoom calls and knows all my coaches by their first name.

She’s been a big part of my journey since starting my business and a huge part of my why.

Almost 8 years later here we are finding our flow! ❤️


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Give Thanks and Acknowledge

I had a teacher that would say that unacknowledged good turns to shi#! ???

She meant that if good things come and you don’t give thanks, and don’t acknowledge them. Guess what? They turn to ???.


When applied to business, it looks like dismissing, not noticing, or appreciating your progress because it’s not where you want it to be yet.


But, it’s all the accomplishments big and small that add up to whatever success you are seeking.

When you have a practice of acknowledging the good daily, weekly, monthly, seasonally, and/or yearly it just becomes the way you think, what you emit and what you attract. 

?? Here are a few of my wins from the month of June:

  • I taught a workshop on Magnetic Client Creation for the Women On Purpose Conference and someone sent me a message on IG that it blew them away.
  • I presented at an ICF Coaches Coffee based in Maryland where I taught on Community Building for Business Growth.
  • I did an interview for the Power of Your Mind Podcast and we talked about LOA and Business.
  • One of my client’s sold her first two $3000 packages!
  • I attended an online business retreat personally and got so much value and inspiration from it.
  • My daughter turned 7 and her other grandpa surprised her for her birthday from Florida. She felt really loved on her birthday even though she didn’t have a party with friends like she normally does.
  • She also won first place in her reading contest at school after some challenges with reading and it was a big win for her on the last day of class.
  • My son had his first kindergarten playdate and made some new friends.
  • My interview for The Diverse Talent Showcase, a summit focused on diversity and inclusion for teams aired.
  • We started our new bigger house? search.

Anything you want to acknowledge from June or recently that we can celebrate with you?

Let me know in the comments!


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Do you think that you have to start getting clients and earning in your business BEFORE you start investing in your business and hire a coach?

If you do it, it makes perfect sense.

Maybe you think you’re not even earning money in your business now.

OR not making enough money in your business now.

So why would you spend money to hire a coach or invest in a program?


That’s not only going to eat into what you already have, but you’re also pretty sure you can figure it out yourself.

Truth be told, you can potentially figure out what you “think” you need to know.

YouTube, Google, and freebies are great resources!

If you aren’t investing money?, and have the time, you can absolutely spend time figuring out some things.


?? How to create a lead magnet?
?? How to design a website?
?? How to grow your following on Instagram
?? How to start your email list?
?? and a whole host of other things…

But where most people get stuck in their business is that they don’t know what they don’t know.

You can’t Google “How to______,” if you don’t know what keywords you are searching for. ?

Not knowing what you need can keep you from making the money you want to make and getting the results you desire.

AND even when you find out what the what is, most of the time, it’s really challenging to implement yourself without a structured container.

One of the key things I do in my work with clients is to:

  1. Help them with their blindspots so they get a strategy for what they don’t realize they don’t know.
  2. Help them implement that strategy in a way that works for them.

If doing what you’re doing is not getting the results you want invest in the help that creates a new possibility.


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Do you have the time to generate 3K, 5K, or 10K a month in your business?

Many women in my community share with me that they want to make 10K a month.

They imagine that it will free them up from having to:

▪️constantly worry about money
▪️provide them with a more comfortable lifestyle and
▪️make them feel like they are FINALLY doing the work they are meant to be doing.

One of the reasons they say that they haven’t ❌ achieved it is because they don’t have the time or enough time to focus on their business.

?They have a full-time job which zaps all their energy
?They’re with the kids all the time and can barely find a moment to think
?They’re in another training certification program and they have work to do for it


We only have so many hours in a day and if you have a certain number of hours allocated to other things you only have so much time left.


→ I’m a mom of two under 7
→ I have aging parents whom I help
→ I have clients to work with and a business I run
→And I’m invested in my own business development.

I understand having demands on your time and feeling like more time would make ALL the difference.

But here’s the thing Queen…

As long as you keep talking about time like sand through an hourglass and you only have a little left.


We stay stuck when we think we can’t mold or shape our time to suit our own lives and vision.

A Queen ?? owns her time, her time doesn’t own her.

When you have a disempowered conversation around time you feel like you can’t do anything about it.

With an empowered context around time, you know that you can adjust your schedule to make space for your priorities.

Let me tell you something that I share with my clients that they ABSOLUTELY love that changes their relationship to time just like that.

The next time you realize you are a “NO” around something instead of saying “I don’t have the time“, say I don’t want to do that right now, or that’s not a priority for me right now.

Because it puts the power back with you not outside of yourself.

So back to the question, do you have the time to generate 3K, 5K, or 10k per month?

The TRUTH is we make the time for what’s a priority for us.

If it’s not a priority to you, there is nothing wrong with that.

When I see clients make the time for their business, that’s when I see them achieve not only their income goals but their deeper goals of impacting their clients and making a difference.



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Decide You ARE Ready Now!

I’ve seen a lot of coaches prolong getting clients because of all the things they think they need to have in place before feeling good enough to launch and feel like people will buy their high ticket offer.

? A Website
? An Email list
? A Lead Magnet
? A Signature Story
? A program with modules and workbooks

It can feel as though once you have this one ?? thing in place then the clients will start pouring in…

So you pour a lot of energy and time to make sure it’s good.

The problem is this can lead to the getting ready to get ready phenomenon.

That’s when there’s always something to do before getting clients.

▪️Working on your website.
▪️Updating your design skills.
▪️Figuring out a complicated marketing strategy.

The tricky part about it is that for most people these projects take waaaaaaaaay longer than expected and can actually DELAY getting clients.

You’re just spread too thin.

Ironically, you start out doing these activities to get more clients.

BUT what happens is you just caught in the rabbit hole of busyness.

When you fill-up your business with “busy activities” YES your day is FULL and feels productive.

BUT you’re not bringing in those clients…

My clients aren’t interested in being busy.

They are interested in being fully booked and profitable.

In reality, there are very specific actions that will bring in clients quickly which are not a website, a lead magnet, crafting a signature story, and creating a program with video modules and workbooks.

In my Client Creation Queen?? program, one of the key things we do is to focus on MMA’s {Money Making Activities}.

We prioritize steps and tasks that will bring in clients in the simplest and quickest way possible.

Once you have money and clients coming in, and you see how to serve them….

It makes it waaaay easier and it takes less time to complete larger projects in your business.

On a scale of 1-10, where are you on the busy spectrum in your business? ?


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Are you taking enough risks to reach the rewards you seek in your business? Or are you playing it safe?

Queen, you wouldn’t be in a business if you weren’t a little bit of a rule-breaker and risk-taker.

You’ve always been one to want to do your own thing.

That’s what the people in your world admire you for!

You aren’t a “rebel without a cause”, you just desire the freedom to be able to live life on your own terms and be fully self-expressed.

Is that too much to ask?

You started your business because you want to follow your HEART but when it comes to making decisions in your business you sometimes default to thinking with your HEAD.

As much as you know about the “Law of Attraction” you sometimes stray away from the what and get STUCK on the how.

Your mind can’t figure out H-O-W it’s all going to work and that can stop from you taking the leap of faith required for your next breakthrough.

You can’t wrap your head around:

✨ Launching a program because what if no one signs up.
✨ Going Live because what if you suck or you don’t like the way you look.
✨ Charging more for your services because you don’t want to alienate people.
✨ Posting on your personal page because you’re worried about what people will think.
✨ Investing in your business because what if you don’t get your money back.

Somehow the voice of reason and rationality {the how} take over and make sure that you play it safe.

This is the part of you that tells you to be sensible and practical.

It only believes in what you can see, and your immediate circumstances versus the possibilities.

Understandably your LOGIC wants to save you from financial loss, embarrassment or messing up.

However, the energy of your HEART is rooted in intuition, love, and taking chances.

How can you get the big rewards you seek without risking anything?

You can’t!

Have you heard the expression nothing ventured, nothing gained?

YES, risk can be uncomfortable.

But income, clients, and confidence are on the other side of risk.

My clients get really comfortable taking risks because we work on what risks to take when it comes to marketing, selling, and communicating with their audience.

That, in turn, builds their confidence and increases their capacity to take more chances which leads to more clients, income and contribution.

Coming into business and thinking you’re gonna play it really safe, isn’t going to produce the results you crave.

Where have you taken a risk in your business and it paid off?


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Likes and comments feel good but SALES feel great!​

Whether it’s your video training, your written content, or your inspirational posts you want to add to the collective of folks adding positivity to the algorithm.​

You put a lot of thought, time, and energy into creating valuable content for your community.​

That being said, it means a lot when people engage with your material via likes and comments because it makes you feel like it’s landing.​

However, when you get crickets….​​

It makes you wonder if anyone even cares ??‍♀️ and if you should even bother.​

OR left wondering if your clients are even out there.​

So you work even harder to make even more valuable content or focus on “engagement” content just so you don’t feel like you are talking to yourself.​​

The problem with that, is that engagement {likes and comments} aren’t an indication of someone wanting to buy your coaching services.​

Not to mention that seeking likes and comments will send you on an endless loop of seeking validation outside yourself.​​

But we’ll save that post for another day.​

Some people will like your stuff because they like and support you, or they appreciate what you write but will never become clients.​

That’s okay!​

Other people are silent watchers ? and observers that hang on to every word ? you say unbeknownst to you.​

When they are ready they may reach out without ever having liked or commented on any of your stuff.​

It happens to me and my clients all the time!​​

Focusing on likes and comments should not be the primary goal of your content or your presence online.​

The primary goal is to express yourself, offer value to your peeps, and let those who want to go deeper with you know how to do that.​

I don’t want to pretend that likes and comments don’t matter but they aren’t everything and definitely not the most important thing.​

?? They DO create social proof​.
?? They DO let you know what’s resonating with your audience.​
?? They **DO **make you feel like you are in a two-way conversation with your community.​​

They DON’T ❌ determine your value and they DON’T ❌ always translate into new clients.​​

In my 3 month Client Creation Queen Program, we focus on the process that leads to enrolling ideal clients into your transformational program.​​

We do this by helping you:​

  1. ​ Brand and sell your high-ticket coaching program​.
  2. ​ Create effective marketing content that leads to booking more discovery calls.​
  3. ​ Grow your community of people who are seeking the solution you provide.​

​My clients don’t get distracted by likes and comments but instead focus on the things that matter when it comes to ACTUALLY making money in their business.​

If you feel like your client creation process isn’t bringing you enough sales and you have gotten derailed by being “liked” on social media instead of enrolling new clients you love, DM me here ??

Let me know you’d like to hear more about The Client Creation Queen  Program.​


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