Give Thanks and Acknowledge

I had a teacher that would say that unacknowledged good turns to shi#! ???

She meant that if good things come and you don’t give thanks, and don’t acknowledge them. Guess what? They turn to ???.


When applied to business, it looks like dismissing, not noticing, or appreciating your progress because it’s not where you want it to be yet.


But, it’s all the accomplishments big and small that add up to whatever success you are seeking.

When you have a practice of acknowledging the good daily, weekly, monthly, seasonally, and/or yearly it just becomes the way you think, what you emit and what you attract. 

?? Here are a few of my wins from the month of June:

  • I taught a workshop on Magnetic Client Creation for the Women On Purpose Conference and someone sent me a message on IG that it blew them away.
  • I presented at an ICF Coaches Coffee based in Maryland where I taught on Community Building for Business Growth.
  • I did an interview for the Power of Your Mind Podcast and we talked about LOA and Business.
  • One of my client’s sold her first two $3000 packages!
  • I attended an online business retreat personally and got so much value and inspiration from it.
  • My daughter turned 7 and her other grandpa surprised her for her birthday from Florida. She felt really loved on her birthday even though she didn’t have a party with friends like she normally does.
  • She also won first place in her reading contest at school after some challenges with reading and it was a big win for her on the last day of class.
  • My son had his first kindergarten playdate and made some new friends.
  • My interview for The Diverse Talent Showcase, a summit focused on diversity and inclusion for teams aired.
  • We started our new bigger house? search.

Anything you want to acknowledge from June or recently that we can celebrate with you?

Let me know in the comments!




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