Preparing Yourself to Receive



When I was pregnant with my daughter I took a hypnobirthing class. I remembered seeing hypnobirthing videos when I was in my doula training studies several years ago.

I was amazed to see how hypnosis shifted the way birthing mom’s related to their contractions. Many of the women would describe the sensations they were feeling but they were not interpreting them as painful. I remember thinking WOW if that’s possible for them, maybe that could be possible for me.

I believe that using hypnosis really supported me in relaxing, trusting my body and having a quick and peaceful labor and delivery. Even though I had such a gentle birth experience I am listening to my hypnobirthing cd to prepare for my new arrival in March.

Listening to these affirmations and visualizations reminds me how critical it is to condition your mind for the best outcome in all areas of your life. This mental conditioning prepares you to receive the thing you want but it also prepares you to be flexible and open to other possibilities.

How do you prepare yourself to receive your heart’s desire?



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