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Do you have specific days and/or times when you do things or does everything flow together?

Tuesdays and Thursdays I have both of the kids and Monday, Wednesday and Friday I just have my son.

MWF are the days I see clients and take care of work related activities that are much harder to do when my daughter is there like discovery calls, correspondence, doing videos, creating content etc.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays I do more family and household related activities like shopping, errands, personal calls and that sort of thing.

I have found that it actually saves times to have allocated time and/or days to do things. Otherwise, it can feel like you are trying to do everything at once which can be crazy making.

What helps you make the most of your time?


Not every action you take in your business is going to make you feel warm and fuzzy. It’s easy to avoid or resist taking steps that you know would move you further along out of comfort.

Who doesn’t love to feel comfortable? I know I do! But growth doesn’t happen in any area of our lives without stretching and doing something new. It’s the thing that breaks us out of our routine, that can infuse our life and business with new energy and YES money!

If you can accept that taking certain actions might make you feel uncomfortable, nervous, self-conscious, even scared than it becomes easier to make friends with change. You might also find that along with those feelings are excitement, curiosity and inspiration.

FEAR isn’t always a sign to stop, slow down or step back. Often times, it can be an invitation to lean in. A sign that there is a place for you to grow and expand.

Next time you find yourself feeling hesitant to take a particular step in your business ask yourself “what’s the best possible outcome for me if I say yes to this?”. That will help you focus on the benefits of moving forward rather than on the fear.

Where do you feel like you’ve been holding back?

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I’ve always known that I wanted to be a mother and have children. However, when I found out I was pregnant, I felt nervous and scared. I didn’t know how my life would change, how my body would change and how my ability to pursue the things I wanted out of life would be impacted. The thought of going from single, carefree woman to stable parent, putting someone else’s needs before my own was daunting.

I wondered if I was emotionally and financially READY to take on this life changing responsibility. Not to mention, I had terrible morning sickness all day long the first trimester AND I had broken out in hives for the first time in life, which lasted for months. NOT FUN!

Yet, somehow, I knew this was my child and I stepped out on FAITH that I would grow into who I needed to be. I took becoming a mother step by step and I still am. I began to seek out professionals that would support me in having an empowering pregnancy and birth experience. I found a midwife and a doula. I took hypnosis for childbirth. I watched beautiful videos of childbirth and breastfeeding. I got a belly cast and had some beautiful pictures of me taken while pregnant.

As the months went by the fear subsided and I couldn’t wait to meet my daughter. Stepping into the unknown of childbirth and motherhood taught me so much about TRUST. I deepened into the knowing that you don’t have to have it all figured out. Life REALLY does usher to support you when you step out on FAITH. This has come in the form of money, clothes, toys, help, advice, and so much more.

I think starting and growing a business is like being in gestation and giving birth. It’s never EXACTLY as you had planned. I don’t know that you can be fully “ready” for a baby or to to take the next leap in your business. You just don’t know what you don’t know until you are there. But when you say YES and keep putting one foot in front of the other and gather your resources of guidance, the way will be made clear.

Today, I invite you to dismantle this idea of readiness in favor of choosing to move forward in your business even though you may not feel “ready”. You can choose to take the next step. That might be hosting a workshop, setting up your FB page, writing that blog post, reaching out to a potential client, making an offer, following through on some divine inspiration, etc. The path of FAITH will teach you everything you need to know and will bring you the people and resources you need!❤️

P.S~ I was 8 months pregnant in this photo with my daughter Naima.

P.P.S~For daily tips, resources and inspiration to grow your coaching business, join us in the private Facebook group WOMEN COACHES IN BLOOM

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I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy in February. Given that he came 5 weeks early and was just shy of 6lbs, steady weight gain is something that my midwife and pediatrician had been wanting me to keep a close eye on.

My little guy lost weight and had a few days were he either lost weight or his weight stayed the same. The pediatrician and other health care professionals were expressing concern and recommending that I supplement with formula. Even my son’s father was a little worried. You can imagine how stressful and difficult this was for me.

I was feeling torn because it had been my intention to exclusively breastfeed for the first 6 months like I did with my daughter. However, him being early and losing weight had me questioning myself. Am I making enough milk? Is he hungry? Should I give him formula or get some donor’s milk?

My midwife suggested we come up with a breastfeeding plan where I nurse him and then pump and give him the expressed milk to make sure he was getting enough milk. He started gaining weight right away.

Pumping every 3 hours on top of nursing while not having adequate sleep was a commitment and not easy. But each time his father weighed him and he gained weight it was so worth it.

I saw rapid results as soon as we came up with a plan that I was willing to implement. The same happened with my coaching business. As soon as I came up with a plan to attract clients, I started enrolling clients to work with me.

Putting a new plan into place can be inconvenient, uncomfortable and also exciting. However, it so rewarding when you start getting traction with getting clients, producing more milk or whatever it is you are wanting to manifest.

Do you have a plan? PM me if you need help with one

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“How to Get More Clients by Discovering Your Sacred Money Archetype”



Watch this video about how my client leveraged her “Connector” Sacred Money Archetype to land her first client in the first 30 days of working together.

Your Sacred Money Archetype is your unique relationship to money, and for a coach that means uncovering how you relate to sales, making offers, sharing what you do, getting paid for your services and more.

There are 8 Sacred Money Archetypes that illuminate your unique money blueprint and identify your strengths and challenges in life and business.

To access the Sacred Money Archetype quiz and to access the free audio go to

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Discover Your Sacred Money Archetype

Sacred Money Archetypes For Coaches

If you are a coach and are wondering how to get clients to start and grow your coaching business, then I have an upcoming FREE Tele-Class to help you with this…You can learn more and register at this FREE Tele-Call “How to Get More Clients and Grow your Business by Discovering your Sacred Money Archetype” we will cover the 3 biggest mistakes coaches make when trying to get clients and the single most important thing you can do to actually get paying clients NOW! You will also learn how to utilize your Sacred Money Archetype to build your business in a heart centered and authentic way.When you sign up for this call, I will send you the free quiz where you can discover your Sacred Money Archetype. Find out if you are a CELEBRITY, RULER, ALCHEMIST, ACCUMULATOR, NURTURER, MAVERICK, ROMANTIC OR CONNECTOR.You can join me on the call and discover your type by going to❤️

Posted by Bloom into You Coaching For Women on Sunday, March 13, 2016

If you are a coach and are wondering how to get clients to start and grow your coaching business, then I have an upcoming FREE Tele-Class to help you with this…

In this FREE Tele-Call “How to Get More Clients and Grow your Business by Discovering your Sacred Money Archetype” we will cover the 3 biggest mistakes coaches make when trying to get clients and the single most important thing you can do to actually get paying clients NOW! You will also learn how to utilize your Sacred Money Archetype to build your business in a heart centered and authentic way.

When you sign up for this call, I will send you the free quiz where you can discover your Sacred Money Archetype. Find out if you are a CELEBRITY, RULER, ALCHEMIST, ACCUMULATOR, NURTURER, MAVERICK, ROMANTIC OR CONNECTOR.You can join me on the call and discover your type by going to

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One of the challenges of working for yourself is that you have no supervisor telling you that you have to meet a deadline. You don’t risk getting fired or not getting paid if you don’t follow through on your commitments. This is the blessing of entrepreneurship but can also be the difficulty.

However, if you want to have a successful business you have to consistently show up and follow through. That is not always easy, especially if you are working at home or in isolation. It’s easy to get distracted and lack focus with a flexible work day.

I have fellow colleagues that I meet with on a regular basis in person, by video chat and phone to support me in getting things done. Knowing that I will be talking to them ups my commitment and follow through.

What structures do you have in place to support you in getting important tasks done?

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The Science of Getting Rich

sciencegettingrichI have had the Science of Getting Rich in my library for some time. I have it near the bed side and have been coming back to it recently. It really resonates with me how each of us are born with an innate desire to reach our fullest potential and how the desire to earn more money is simply an extension of that.

“Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich. No person can rise to his greatest possible height in talent or soul development unless he has plenty of money. In order to unfold the soul and to develop talent he must have many things to use, and he cannot have these things unless he has money to buy them with.

People develop in mind, soul and body by making use of things, and society is so organized that people must have money in order to become the possessor of things. Therefore, the basis of all human advancement must be the science of getting rich.”

The desire to earn abundantly as a coach is something that comes up a lot in my coaching practice along with so many mixed feelings about it. Feelings of guilt, unworthiness, and self-doubt appear as well as the desire for more expansion in every area including abundance.

How does this quote land with you?

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To be honest, I have a really supportive partner. Not only is he supportive of my business, he helps me with it. Sometimes he handles some of the system pieces that would make my head explode if I had to figure it out myself.

And still at times he can be resistant. On Sunday Evening we were planning our week and our schedule as we normally do. I was letting him know that this would be an unusually busy week for me because I would be gone most of the day two days this week requiring him to do more childcare. Although he didn’t say no, I could tell he wasn’t happy about it.

I noticed that I felt tight and contracted about his reaction. I shared with him that I wasn’t feeling his willingness to be accommodating to some important things that were happening for me this week. He stopped for a moment and realized that he was feeling resistant and WAS supportive of me doing these things for my business. It was feeling uncomfortable for him to have to change his routine. He might not be able to get as much work done with the baby around. Not to mention being with the baby all day without a break can be demanding.

Sometimes, you have to take a stand for your business or dream in your own relationship. I think about my daughter when I am away from her even though we are together most of the time. Yet, I have to remember that I am not solely responsible for her either. My work is just as important as her Dad’s work.

At times you will be met with resistance and you have to ask for what you need and know that you and your dream are worthy of support.

Have you dealt with resistance from a partner or loved one?

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Do I Need A Website to Get Coaching Clients?

Are you waiting on your website before you can start advertising your coaching services? Is that the thing that you think will have you be taken seriously?I have been in that same place.

Interestingly enough, I got the website up and not much changed other than that I could say I have a website. Clients didn’t drop in my lap as a result. I have made a number of business cards over the years that I never used and have since gone to waste. I thought once I have my cards it will be official that I am a professional.

It’s wonderful to have marketing materials that you like and are proud of. It is an extension of your business. However, the thing you need to market the most is your actual service, which happens through conversations. Conversations with people about what matters to them and how your coaching can be in service to that.

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