The Client Creation Program – 8 Weeks to Mastering the Art of Getting Clients
The Client Creation Program is for Spiritual Women committed to delivering their unique gifts to the world and learning to value themselves enough to FINALLY get paid well for doing what they love!
Expand Your Capacity to Receive as a Queen in 30 Days
4 Week Audio Course
In this 30 day course, you will:
- Access the Secret Sauce to Receiving more (clients, money, love, support}
- Uncover Your Biggest Blocks to Receiving (and start to clear them!) so you can be a more powerful Receiver in your relationships and your business.
- Learn the #1 Key to Automatically turning on Your Receiving Muscle.
- Master the art of making clear and powerful requests (so you get exactly what you want on your terms).
Bloom Into Your Abundance~ The Art of Womanifesting
In this 5 week Tele-Class you will :
– Discover the way womanifesting works.
– Learn the differences between how men and women create.
– Increase your confidence and personal power.
– Enhance your beauty and magnetic energy.
– Develop a spiritual approach to money and debt.
– Attract greater opportunities, luck and support.
– Expand your capacity to receive beyond your current limits.
– Learn to overcome the resistance to your greatness.
– Feel more connected to your unique creative expression.
– and much, much more.
Bloom Into the One~ Creating Authentic & Soulful Love
In this 4 week Tele-class you will work on:
~ Releasing Past Relationships and Disappointments.
~Asking For What you Want.
~Understanding the difference between Chemistry and Love.
~Creating a Love Vision.