
I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy in February. Given that he came 5 weeks early and was just shy of 6lbs, steady weight gain is something that my midwife and pediatrician had been wanting me to keep a close eye on.

My little guy lost weight and had a few days were he either lost weight or his weight stayed the same. The pediatrician and other health care professionals were expressing concern and recommending that I supplement with formula. Even my son’s father was a little worried. You can imagine how stressful and difficult this was for me.

I was feeling torn because it had been my intention to exclusively breastfeed for the first 6 months like I did with my daughter. However, him being early and losing weight had me questioning myself. Am I making enough milk? Is he hungry? Should I give him formula or get some donor’s milk?

My midwife suggested we come up with a breastfeeding plan where I nurse him and then pump and give him the expressed milk to make sure he was getting enough milk. He started gaining weight right away.

Pumping every 3 hours on top of nursing while not having adequate sleep was a commitment and not easy. But each time his father weighed him and he gained weight it was so worth it.

I saw rapid results as soon as we came up with a plan that I was willing to implement. The same happened with my coaching business. As soon as I came up with a plan to attract clients, I started enrolling clients to work with me.

Putting a new plan into place can be inconvenient, uncomfortable and also exciting. However, it so rewarding when you start getting traction with getting clients, producing more milk or whatever it is you are wanting to manifest.

Do you have a plan? PM me if you need help with one



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