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Are you taking enough risks to reach the rewards you seek in your business? Or are you playing it safe?

Queen, you wouldn’t be in a business if you weren’t a little bit of a rule-breaker and risk-taker.

You’ve always been one to want to do your own thing.

That’s what the people in your world admire you for!

You aren’t a “rebel without a cause”, you just desire the freedom to be able to live life on your own terms and be fully self-expressed.

Is that too much to ask?

You started your business because you want to follow your HEART but when it comes to making decisions in your business you sometimes default to thinking with your HEAD.

As much as you know about the “Law of Attraction” you sometimes stray away from the what and get STUCK on the how.

Your mind can’t figure out H-O-W it’s all going to work and that can stop from you taking the leap of faith required for your next breakthrough.

You can’t wrap your head around:

✨ Launching a program because what if no one signs up.
✨ Going Live because what if you suck or you don’t like the way you look.
✨ Charging more for your services because you don’t want to alienate people.
✨ Posting on your personal page because you’re worried about what people will think.
✨ Investing in your business because what if you don’t get your money back.

Somehow the voice of reason and rationality {the how} take over and make sure that you play it safe.

This is the part of you that tells you to be sensible and practical.

It only believes in what you can see, and your immediate circumstances versus the possibilities.

Understandably your LOGIC wants to save you from financial loss, embarrassment or messing up.

However, the energy of your HEART is rooted in intuition, love, and taking chances.

How can you get the big rewards you seek without risking anything?

You can’t!

Have you heard the expression nothing ventured, nothing gained?

YES, risk can be uncomfortable.

But income, clients, and confidence are on the other side of risk.

My clients get really comfortable taking risks because we work on what risks to take when it comes to marketing, selling, and communicating with their audience.

That, in turn, builds their confidence and increases their capacity to take more chances which leads to more clients, income and contribution.

Coming into business and thinking you’re gonna play it really safe, isn’t going to produce the results you crave.

Where have you taken a risk in your business and it paid off?


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Likes and comments feel good but SALES feel great!​

Whether it’s your video training, your written content, or your inspirational posts you want to add to the collective of folks adding positivity to the algorithm.​

You put a lot of thought, time, and energy into creating valuable content for your community.​

That being said, it means a lot when people engage with your material via likes and comments because it makes you feel like it’s landing.​

However, when you get crickets….​​

It makes you wonder if anyone even cares ??‍♀️ and if you should even bother.​

OR left wondering if your clients are even out there.​

So you work even harder to make even more valuable content or focus on “engagement” content just so you don’t feel like you are talking to yourself.​​

The problem with that, is that engagement {likes and comments} aren’t an indication of someone wanting to buy your coaching services.​

Not to mention that seeking likes and comments will send you on an endless loop of seeking validation outside yourself.​​

But we’ll save that post for another day.​

Some people will like your stuff because they like and support you, or they appreciate what you write but will never become clients.​

That’s okay!​

Other people are silent watchers ? and observers that hang on to every word ? you say unbeknownst to you.​

When they are ready they may reach out without ever having liked or commented on any of your stuff.​

It happens to me and my clients all the time!​​

Focusing on likes and comments should not be the primary goal of your content or your presence online.​

The primary goal is to express yourself, offer value to your peeps, and let those who want to go deeper with you know how to do that.​

I don’t want to pretend that likes and comments don’t matter but they aren’t everything and definitely not the most important thing.​

?? They DO create social proof​.
?? They DO let you know what’s resonating with your audience.​
?? They **DO **make you feel like you are in a two-way conversation with your community.​​

They DON’T ❌ determine your value and they DON’T ❌ always translate into new clients.​​

In my 3 month Client Creation Queen Program, we focus on the process that leads to enrolling ideal clients into your transformational program.​​

We do this by helping you:​

  1. ​ Brand and sell your high-ticket coaching program​.
  2. ​ Create effective marketing content that leads to booking more discovery calls.​
  3. ​ Grow your community of people who are seeking the solution you provide.​

​My clients don’t get distracted by likes and comments but instead focus on the things that matter when it comes to ACTUALLY making money in their business.​

If you feel like your client creation process isn’t bringing you enough sales and you have gotten derailed by being “liked” on social media instead of enrolling new clients you love, DM me here ??

Let me know you’d like to hear more about The Client Creation Queen  Program.​


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Hello 45 ???

  1. I stopped coloring my hair in 2020. 
  2. It wasn’t an easy transition letting the color grow out. 
  3. I was confronted with all the rules about women and aging and being attached to my youth. 
  4. I’m 9 months into not coloring my hair and I LOVE my silver now.
  5. While I still feel young at heart in some ways I’m releasing the need to have to look the way I looked in my 20’s or 30’s.
  6. I am embracing being a mature woman and let go of having to remain a maiden forever.
  7. I am officially a midlife woman, a DYNAMIC MIDLIFE WOMAN as one of my colleagues says. 
  8. There is so much I still want to do in the next half or more of my life. 
  9. I was really excited to be doing more in-person speaking events when the pandemic hit.
  10. I put all my attention into nurturing my online community.
  11. I really used this time to focus on taking my business to the next level.
  12. I started doing more FB Lives which I had stopped doing. 
  13. I hosted an online summit where I interviewed over 30 leaders in the coaching industry.
  14. Over 1000 people subscribed to participate in the series. 
  15. I was really excited to interview EFT expert Brad Yates and we did a tapping session which was really fun.
  16. I also launched my Manifest Clients NOW Podcast which you can find on iTunes.
  17. I plan to put out more episodes consistently in 2021.
  18. I had my best year to date in my business in 2020!
  19. One of the toughest parts of the pandemic is not having the kids in school. 
  20. It’s been rough not having playdates and being social the way they are used to. 
  21. They have been troopers and I am so glad they have each other. 
  22. They fight and makeup as siblings do. 
  23. My daughter has been doing really well with online learning and her french vocabulary has really improved.
  24. I can’t believe my son is going to be a kindergartner in the fall.
  25. My word for 2021 is ORGANIZED,
  26. That means decluttering and putting things in order. 
  27. I still make vision boards at the start of each year and did mine this month.
  28. I may go back to school at some point. 
  29. Other times I think about becoming a  Licensed Spiritual Practitioner. 
  30. I think starting your own business is an empowering answer to many problems.
  31. My business is a vehicle for my self-expression and for the clients I work with too.
  32. I am an eternal optimist.
  33. That doesn’t mean my faith doesn’t get tested.
  34. Doesn’t FB own IG too?
  35. My kids each made me a painting on canvas for my birthday. 
  36. I’m a Manifestor in Human Design.
  37. I like to work with people who are already self-motivated and on fire to have what they want.
  38. Sometimes “just keeping it real” is undercover for “ just keeping it negative.”
  39. Some people think I charge a lot for coaching but I think I should charge way more considering all you get.
  40. I used to love vibrant city life, and now I prefer quiet residential life. 
  41. On my birthday we went to the Claremont Hotel for brunch.
  42. I am definitely experiencing some pandemic fatigue. 
  43. I started doing this birthday list when I was 38 years old.
  44. I’ve invested a lot in my business in the last several years and I am excited to invest more time and energy into other areas of my life. 
  45. I haven’t gotten into using Clubhouse yet but we’ll see.

Thanks for reading. Leave me a comment and let me know what spoke to you!


Photo by In Her Image Photography

43 Birthday Reflections!

1. I went to the spa for my birthday.
2. Going to the spa feels like a luxurious necessity.
3. Sometimes I find social media toxic and draining.
4. I do appreciate and value its benefits.
5. I’ve made so many friends and connections online in the last several years.
6. I still prefer a good old fashioned offline Meetup.
7. That being said, it’s not so easy to get me out of the house.
8. I listen to all kinds of music, but most often R&B.
9. I don’t think you have to choose between making good money or being a good person.
10. I am changing the limiting belief that money changes people for the worse.
11. I believe that it can change you for the better.
12. I appreciate a hungry and ambitious woman.
13. I accept that I like and desire the finer things in life.
14. I’m not into dragging anyone along.
15. We can walk together, but you’re gonna have to carry your own stuff.
16. One of the ways I experience racism is the expectation that I should be or want less.
17. Less educated, less hungry, less smart, in a less nice neighborhood, less motivated, less everything. Less. Less, Less.
18. I’m all about MORE, MORE, MORE.
19. My parents, my ancestors fought so I could do, have and be more.
20. I know how truly blessed I am.
21. That doesn’t mean I don’t have my own challenges and struggles.
22. I started doing some executive coaching this year.
23. I occasionally coach execs in organizations on their public speaking and communication skills.
24. It’s my first time doing any work in corporate America.
25. I was a little intimidated at first and then I saw how much my coaching made a difference.
26. Juggling motherhood while growing a business is not easy.
27. I don’t have a perfect life/work balance.
28. I give as much as I can to both and sometimes I fall short.
29. My business is really important to me too.
30. I love the journey of becoming more and more of who I am.
31. My word for the year is ORGANIZED.
32. I want to declutter and organize my garage.
33. I want more order in the nooks and crannies of my house.
34. My daughter will start Kindergarten this year.
35. My son just turned 3 and is on his last leg of being a baby.
36. I just started selling jewelry and accessories for Noonday Collection.
37. They are a fair trade company that uses fashion to create meaningful opportunities around the world.
38. It feels really aligned with my love of beauty, bringing women together and entrepreneurship.
39. I’ve had an entrepreneurial spirit for a long time.
40. For the longest time, all I wanted to do was work from home.
41. Now, I have the desire to get out of the house and be with people more.
42. I just joined a co-working space to be with other women up to some cool stuff.
43. I’m not sure how long I’ll keep doing this birthday blog, but for now, it’s fun.

Thanks for reading. Leave me a comment and let me know what spoke to you!


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November FEMTalks Workshop Photos

My playshop “The Secret Formula to Aligning with Your Sacred Intention”  was well received at the November FEMTalks in Berkeley.

We talked about the essential ingredients to making your intentions stick!

They are to:

  1. Pick a TRUE heart’s desire. This sounds obvious, but how many times have you done something because you thought you were supposed to or it was expected of you? If you don’t really want something it will be hard to sustain the momentum required to keep it.
  2. Bring your words, thoughts, feelings, and actions in harmony with that desire. Sometimes we say we want something yet our behaviors and patterns don’t match what we say we want. Ask yourself if all of you is on board with materializing this intention.
  3. ALLOW the natural timing of your desire to occur. It can feel really frustrating when you want something and no matter what you do, it’s still not here. Trust that if it’s a true heart desire it will come at the perfect time for you. There is a fine balance between taking action and allowing things to unfold in their season.
  4. Get a physical symbolic representation of the desire you want to manifest. One way to solidify your intent to bring something to fruition is to get a symbol of it’s existence. What’s something that signals to you that your desire is on it’s way to you?

I hope this recipe helps you in getting in tune with your heart’s desire now and into the New Year.

Happy December!


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The Opulent Priestess Conference 2018

The Opulent Priestess Conference is an annual 2 day retreat in Berkeley for women light workers and trailblazers.  In the temple like setting that is Rudramandir, coaches, healers, creative entrepreneurs and visionary leaders come together to step more powerfully into their Purpose and Priestess Power.

With over a dozen workshops and sacred rituals to ground the teachings, the Priestess Conference is a unique event for the spiritual entrepreneur looking to align her financial and spiritual success! Check out the photos below by clicking on my photo in red on the left or the blue FB icon on the right.

This past Saturday, I led a workshop at the annual Opulent Priestess Conference in Berkeley.Nearly 40 women…

Posted by Bloom into You Coaching For Women on Tuesday, August 28, 2018

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5 Ways to Get Paying Clients When You Don’t Know Where to Begin


One of the most common things new coaches say is “how do I get started?” This applies to getting new clients, getting themselves out there or in charging for their services. I will often hear people say that they need to get started on a website, order some business cards and start growing their email list or following BEFORE getting clients.

It’s interesting to see what the mind makes up that you need in order to generate clients or to be taken seriously as solopreneur. There are certain markers of “professionalism” that you may believe you must have in place to feel like you are open and ready for business.

While all of these things have their place, they are not at all required to getting started and bringing in clients that will pay you for your expertise, guidance and support now. What you need most to get started in your coaching or healing business is a willingness to be creative, put yourself out and utilize your existing network.

Here are 5 ways to get new clients even if you don’t have a business card, website, or email list.

Open for business. If you want to help people in your area of expertise they need to know that they can come to you for that service. If people don’t know how you can help them, they won’t think to hire you or refer your services when they are needed. If you are just starting out update your everyday conversations to include that you help married couples rekindle their passion, or help women lose weight without starving or help people land their ideal job. This becomes an open invitation for people to ask you more about what you do. You also want to update all of your social media profiles and email signatures to include your professional title or service. This is both an easy and free way to share what you do along with your contact information to reach you for more information.

Ask for referrals. There are people that you know already that would be happy to share the benefits of your work with others. Who is in your network already that may know people you would like to serve with your skills? Perhaps they offer a service that is complementary to the one you offer or they are just well connected to people you may want to get to know. Make a list of these people and reach out to them and let them know what you are up to and ask for referrals. It’s a sincere gesture when you offer the person you are asking a referral from, a free session or some sort of sample of your work. This way they can feel good about making referrals and know that the people they send over are in good hands.

Offer free value. If you are like most of the heart centered entrepreneurs I know, you just want to be able to share the knowledge, resources and tools you have with others. There are so many ways to bring value to your potential clients and serve them with inspiration, information, resources, and tools to further their growth. What value can you provide for the people in your niche that will have them seek you out as their go to expert? Heartstorm the most common questions that people have about your subject matter and address them in your content. This is a great starting point for your growing audience to get to know you, like and trust and you. You share through blogging, video, social media posts, podcast, etc.

Host an event. An effective way to bring people together and share your expertise on your subject matter is by hosting a class, workshop or webinar. When you take the initiative to put together an event, you position yourself as a leader in your niche. In that process, you have an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge while also giving people a taste of the transformation that is possible by working with you longer term. Whether you host your event in person or online, you can use this method as a vehicle to grow your audience, test your material, gather information about what would serve your audience best and of course get paying clients by inviting people to work more deeply with you.

Find Speaking Gigs. The advantage to finding local speaking gigs to share your expertise is that you get to connect with an audience that is already interested in your subject matter. Rather than spending time to find people in your niche who are looking for your services, someone else has already successfully gathered members interested in your topic. As a guest speaker you bring additional value to an already existing community with a fresh voice. Quite often the event planning and organizing details are handled and you get to show up and shine as the speaker. Your call to action can include having people sign up for your mailing list, sign up for your free opt in, a free consultation or low end offer.

These 5 ways of generating clients for your business are FREE or low cost, don’t require a lot if any technology and are accessible to you no matter where you are in your business. The important thing is to pick 1-2 of these that you can commit to implementing consistently. Don’t let lack of a website, business cards or  a small list deter you from getting your skills out into the marketplace and making a difference in the lives of the people you are meant to serve.

You know and have enough TODAY to start helping people make major shifts in their life or business. If you need additional support to implement these strategies, schedule a complimentary Business Clarity Call with me to get crystal clear on your next steps.



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Bloom Into Your Confidence Workshop

This month’s workshop was all about C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-C-E! Check out the photos from our beautiful event by clicking on the FB icon.

Our ?Bloom Into You Confidence ?workshop was a soulful afternoon of sisterhood and uncovering limiting beliefs to step…

Posted by Bloom into You Coaching For Women on Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The consistent feedback I got was how reassuring it was to see that you weren’t alone in your places of fear and doubt. That yes, other accomplished, high achieving women have similar self-talk as you.

That’s the power of coming together in sisterhood. In community, you see that you’re not alone and you get to tap into the restorative feminine wisdom of the collective.

I look forward to seeing you again. Stay connected with our upcoming IN PERSON events at


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How To Find Your Voice: Interview with Claude Hall

Listen to my conversation with Cabaret singer, Claude Hall below about how doing what was good for her soul led her to find an outlet for self-expression and healing.

Whether you are an artist, coach or creative entrepreneur, you are going to get so much about following your intuition, building a community of support around you, and trusting the creative process!

In this interview Claude shares:

  • How music found her.
  • How your passions and creative projects can take on a life of their own.
  • The importance of being open and listening to where you are being led.
  • Her secret for dealing with challenges in her music career.
  • How she almost missed a blessing right under her nose.
  • How to gather your community of supporters.
  • About the inspiration for her upcoming March 9th show called “Soul Shadows” in Los Angeles
  • And much, much more.

Find out more about Claude Hall at  and her upcoming Los Angeles performance at

What did you get from the interview? Let us know in the comments below!

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